SSV Update Week 5

16 May 2024

With lots of enthusiasm, we usually leave the school every Friday with the zeal to meet fellow students from various schools across our City of Whittlesea to compete in Netball (two teams), European Handball (boys and girls) and AFL (boys team) as part of the annual School Sports Victoria (SSV) competition.

SSV Update Week 5

The progress has been great so far with our Netball Team B holding the win against 3 other schools consecutively! Our European Handball boys team beat 2 schools and our AFL boys team beat one other school. Alhamdulillah , the students are playing with utmost diligence portraying their skills and sportsmanship.

A big shout out to our coaches Ms Franciscah (Netball), Ms Rayan and Ms Sadiqah (European Handball girls), Mr Hussain and Mr Naem (European Handball boys), Mr Adel (AFL boys) and of course to Mr Saleh, our overall SSV coordinator.

  • Franciscah Kisilu Female PE Teacher Franciscah Kisilu

    Franciscah Kisilu

    Franciscah Kisilu

    Female PE Teacher