Secondary: Semester 2 Awards Ceremony

14 December 2020
Secondary: Semester 2 Awards Ceremony

On Friday, 11 December 2020, the Secondary School held its awards assembly outdoors, under the new sails on the multi court surface. Certificates were awarded for Academic Endeavour, Academic Excellence and the best performing student across the Year level – the Year Level Dux award.

The ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork awards went to Zaynab Kewal (Year 10) and Bilal Ghouse (Year 12).

Our Year Level Dux recipients were:

  • Year 7 – Ruqaiya Wazze
  • Year 8 – Amnah Saad
  • Year 9 – Khudija Rashid
  • Year 10 – Sakeenah Brookman
  • Year 11 – Asmaa Dahir.

Click here to view more photos.

We congratulate all students for their tremendous efforts this year, online and onsite. Looking forward to 2021!

  • Vis Naidu Head of Secondary School Email Vis Vis Naidu