Year 2A: Publication of "The Adventures of Midas the Monkey"

10 November 2022

It’s finally here! Class 2A have written their experiences at home with class mascot Midas the monkey, and have created a wonderful book titled "The mighty adventures of Midas, the monkey".

Year 2A: Publication of "The Adventures of Midas the Monkey"

Every student in Year 2A has been able to take home a lasting memory of their fun and interesting experience with their friend Midas, and the class is very excited to read through everyone’s stories!

We invite you to read the storybook with all of the Year 2A students' contributions in the "related publication" below. Enjoy – and well done, Year 2A!

  • Inas Mahboub Head of Primary Inas Mahboub

    Inas Mahboub

    Inas Mahboub

    Head of Primary