Primary School Welcomes Ramadan

23 March 2023

There is a special buzz in the Primary Building upon the arrival of our most noble and honoured guest Ramadan: Our Primary buildings are beautifully decorated and definitely have the ‘Ramadan Vibe: Students in various classes can be heard practicing their du'as, listening to Ramadan stories, discussing how they can benefit others during this sacred month and creating beautiful Ramadan related art work ( just to name a few of the things being done).

Primary School Welcomes Ramadan

Students from Foundation D have also been enjoying the festive atmosphere. Apart from other creative endeavours, we have created a Ramadan Tree board. In the picture, you can see the students posing for a photo with our Head of Primary School Mr Mohamed.

Welcome Ramadan 1444

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  • Najma Anis-Reusch Foundation D Class Teacher Najma Anis-Reusch

    Najma Anis-Reusch

    Najma Anis-Reusch

    Foundation D Class Teacher