
Year 4: African drumming and exhibitions

30 March 2022
Year 4: African drumming and exhibitions

Students in Hifz A and Year 4 celebrated the end of their Humanities unit 鈥淎frica鈥 with a wonderful event in the new Auditorium assembly area in M building last week. The day began with the sounds of traditional African drums beating and a presentation of West Africa Culture from our guests Mohamed and Kwame.

The students displayed their African projects on the walls and their Topography maps on tables around the room for everyone to view during the event.

After our time in West Africa we travelled to South Africa, where Mr Vis introduced the students to many famous African people including Elon Musk and Nelson Mandela. Did you know Mr Vis has met Nelson Mandela?

Ms Samira kindly provided us with our next trip to Eritrea. Ms Samira shared stories of life in Eritrea and how to make traditional Eritrean ginger coffee, using freshly ground green beans and served with popcorn.

After the presentations everyone enjoyed a wonderful African feast of chicken drumsticks and rice. The delicious food smells travelled all around the M building and we were able to share food with various staff members as well. Back in our rooms we played various African games and spent time painting our faces in traditional patterns.

View more photos here.

Overall, students and teachers had a wonderful day, and we hope they shared their experiences with their families at home. We thank everyone who helped to make this day special and look forward to more events during the year.

  • Cheryl Becker Pedagogical Leader (Years 3 - 6) Year 3 Hifz Class Teacher Email Cheryl Cheryl Becker