ILM Students Attend Workshop with Shaykh Yasir Al Hanafi

23 August 2023

Our ILM students were fortunate to embark on a workshop to explore the essence of “ilāh” (God), held at Isra Institute by Al-Ihsaan Institute. The workshop was run by Shaykh Yasir Al Hanafi, visiting all the way from the UK, who spoke on "Understanding God in Islam: Empowering Emotional Resilience against Apostasy".

ILM Students Attend Workshop with Shaykh Yasir Al Hanafi

The workshop was great exposure for our ILM students and a great opportunity to learn from a great scholar face to face. Shaykh Yasir delved into the fundamental components that deal with the essence and attributes of God, encompassing concepts such as deity, necessary being, and the transcendent.

Upon their return back at Al Ƶ, students enjoyed lunch at the Ƶ. We have received some wonderful feedback from students ranging from " we learnt a lot” to taking valuable notes and greatly enjoying the workshop.

We pray that Allah may continue to bless and accept Shaykh Yasir’s tireless efforts, granting him the ability to continue serving the community with excellence, enriching lives and illuminating the path with wisdom and understanding.

  • Hafsa Hanif Ilm & Hifz Administration OfficerIlm Religious Teacher Hafsa Hanif

    Hafsa Hanif

    Hafsa Hanif

    Ilm & Hifz Administration OfficerIlm Religious Teacher