Hifz A Excursion: Kemizo Rollerblading

4 November 2016

Being a Hifz student is a labour of love! Memorising Quran, for the love of Allah and His final revelation, for hours on end at both home and school is a huge commitment for both the Hifz students, their parents and their teachers. Hifz A students have been working extremely hard not just in memorising their Quran, but also keeping up with their regular Numeracy and Literacy learning. Their behaviour in class has been equally wonderful. Therefore, we saw it as simply fitting to take the whole class for a jolly good time at KEMIZO!

It was indeed lots and lots of laughs to watch students slipping and sliding, until surely but slowly they all learned to stand up on their feet and skate away. Some rode like the wind, some managed to stumble and stagger yet move forward, and one particular student kept going backwards despite attempts to move forwards! Regardless of our skating skills, everyone had a wonderful time! The staff at Kemizo were very friendly and approachable, making this entire experience a truly memorable one.

It has been an honour and blessing for me to be the Hifz A Literacy and Numeracy teacher this year. It was lovely having Ms Layal and Brother Saharan also participate in this excursion, both being good sports by donning on the skates and having a go! Enjoy the photos!

Nazreen Keown Hifz A (Yrs 3/4) Literacy/Numeracy Teacher